I think I am correct in saying that besides me, only 2 other WindowBlinds skinners have commented here. So with that, I digress:
Within the past week, up to 2/3 of the skins were master and I am sure this probably discourages the new skinners who want to try to be seen.
Well, I'm not new, but I'm not a Master either, and I'm not discouraged. In fact, I think there are some great Master Skins on the front page now!
Master skinners, nothing against all the thousands of hours it takes you to make each skin.
Thousands of hours is about right. I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but my latest WindowBlind took me A LONG TIME to finish. You absolutely would not believe the amount of detail involved in just ONE PART of one skin.
And nothing against your work, which usually looks okay.
Okay? OKAY??? The Masters are Masters for a reason you know! Now I don't buy each and every one of the Master Skins, just the ones I personally like. But I would say that the Masters are the absolute best out there, and their skins show it.
Just seems like the little guy is getting squeezed out by the money grubbers.
Money grubbers. Yeah.
You know, having a real good knowledge of what goes into making a skin, I'm surprised anyone only pays $5 for them! I realize that they can only be sold according to demand, and maybe that's why the price is so low, but I think these skinners deserve to make much more from each skin! My goodness, you can't even eat at McDonalds for $4.95!
Without Master Skinners and Master Skins, there would be no standard of excellence; little ambition for the new guy to improve; and a whole lot of mediocrity.