It's the first time i'm posting in the forums and i'm doing it out of frustration and request for help. I'm generally a happy Wincustomize member and i even contributed few skins. Each one of my skins was approved within a short time, always less than the promised 5 days. Well, all went well untill i made a skin for Objectdock that borrows the graphics from my favourite WB (which is designed by Stardock. So, i requested a permission to use the graphics on an email to Stardock-Design. I didn't get a reply for about a week so i emailed again and got a reply that my first email couldn't be located ,and the attached (zip)file may have not made it through the filters, asking me to resend it. So i resent the request with the skin, got no reply(another week), i resent it - still no reply. Last reply i got was on the 15th of october(saying to resend it please).
So, my question is: what am i supposed to do? since i was told there may be problems with filtering incoming mails(and some dissapear), all i can do is to resend the email from time to time or wait forever.
That's why i'm posting here, at least i know if my post made it through. All i'm expecting from Stardock is the standard reply that my request arrived safely and it is being processed. Is it to much to ask? It would also be nice to have some kind of service agenda saying how much time should i wait for reply (many sites promise 48hrs).
I'm quite disapointed and i lost alot of fun in the process. I don't mention which skin it is on purpose because i don't know if it's appropriate to do so. I'm willing to discuss it further and to even to preview it here if i will be requested by anyone from the admin team.
Hope anyone on Stardock reads this and can help me to feel better.
Thanx in advance.