Hi, I’m Don and I love graphics
Hey Don! Welcome to WinCustomize the coolest community in the world!
I’ve seen so much talent here its mind boggling
You're right! There's more World Class talent here than any place that I know! But these are REAL people who care, they keep you up when you're down, they point you in the right direction, they encourage and they don't lie!
I’ll be bugging people to death with dumbass questions
That's a common misconception while remaining humble around so much talent. The truth is, the silliest question here is the one you don't ask.
It looks like a totally awesome community and hopefully I’ll fit in just fine.
And this analogy is true as well! Well Don, now that you've introduced yourself, it is customary for an incoming member who's trying to fit in to perform a small task. So...
Why in the world are you wasting your time in here with intros FRESH FISH? Get in the kitchen and start cooking a banquet for the community pronto! If the food is good and the beer is plenty, you may have a chance!
Chop Chop! I like my steak medium and don't forget tons of Pizza for a guy named HG_Eliminator! With a name like that, you better have pizza on you!

Move it ROOKIE, we stay hungry around here and feast on NEWBIES once food supplies starts to dwindle!