We have unfortunately seen an increase in negativity in skin-comments lately.
This must stop!!
If you have any issues with a skin you've downloaded, please make the artist aware of it either as comment or an email/PM in a polite way.
If you have any issues with a/any artist, please keep it to yourself or at least in private.
When entering this site, please hang any negative karma outside the door. It's
not welcome here!
Remember, negativity breeds negativity. Give a negativ comment, then expect a negative response.
If you have any issues with a/any artist, and decides that you wanna bash him/her by badmouthing him/her in comments on a skin the artist has uploaded - forget it!
Doing so will get your posting priveleges removed, for a period of time. Keep it up and you will eventually be banned/exiled from the site - regardless of your status with Stardock/WC (Customer/subscriber).
Having baught a Stardock product or payed for extended access to WinCustomize - or even having been so fortunate to have been promoted to highest userlevel (Master) - doesn't grand you the right to be content/style/quality police!!
The only ones who police what's going public or not are the admins/moderators - no one else!
So in short, keep your comments polite, tactful and constructive if critisism, even if you dislike the skin/artist.
If you absolutely HAVE to bash a skin/artist please do it in private.
(Yeah I know, that doesn't make you look cool to your friends/followers/pets/relatives, but it keeps the site clean and happy.)
If you cannot/will not live by this then, please live by the old saying "
If you have nothing good to say - say nothing".
Please keep WinCustomize a happy site