Hehe, I can see it now.... that touchy feely thing and all those people who like to eat while at their puter whining about food particles and greasy fingerprints all over their monitors. ..... Fuzzy Logic damning Windows 7 to hell cos it made him put choccy prints all over his.
...speaking of touchy-feely -where's Bebi?
And I can see Bebi's puter not working very well, if at all... it'd have great difficulty concentrating on the task at hand - with all that touchy feely interaction going on... going absolutely berserk and popping a fuse or three over a *naked huggle*
Come to think of it, which I do, dontcha think that Windows 7 will give online porn (especially streaming live webcam action) a whole new meaning... er, touch/feel/sensation?

And before anyone does (use the food example above to mention other sticky moments on the monitor, etc)...
please don'tWhich reminds me.... while it don't have that touchy feely thing going on, my fave puter store has a 24" Viewsonic flatscreen that keeps jumping out at me, saying: "BUY ME, BUY ME, BUY ME!!!!" At just AU$340 ish (discount for cash), I'm finding it harder and harder to resist its pleas and see my resolve weakening, sooner or later.
As for Windows 7... yeah, there'll be those that'll grizzle n' carry on about unnecessary bloat and 'useless apps', but it'll be like those who said car radios were unnecessary bloat and not essential to getting from A to B, and now happily listen to radio/CD's/MP3's while driving along in their computer controlled vehicles with power windows/drinks cooler~heater/porta potty built into the drivers seat. After a while they'll be eating humble pie and saying " how did I ever manage without touchy feely, on-screen manipulation!"