It didn't help.
I uninstalled ObjectDock3, checked for any older version installed, rebooted, downloaded it again, installed, activated and it crashed again.
Thanks for checking that. Now that we know your software is current, the next fix you can try will help to isolate what has changed in the past week or so when you started experiencing the crashing.
Please try the following:
- Navigate to C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Stardock
(*replace YourUsername with your Windows account username)
The folder located here named ObjectDockPlus contains all of your settings for ObjectDock.
If you rename this folder to something else and start the program again, the next time you launch ObjectDock it will create a new folder with any changes you've made restored to their defaults, as I've done in the image below by renaming it to ObjectDockPlus.old

Now you can verify that the program works under these default settings.
- Once you've confirmed that the program now runs normally, you can go back to check that renamed ObjectDockPlus.old folder.
- Open up the file named CurrentTheme
Notice any sections here in your old file that include programs recently and added to your Dock?
To demonstrate what I mean by this, I've provided a side-by-side comparison here, where I had Notepad pinned to my Dock in my old settings, and not in my new/default settings:

In your case, you can now try setting up your ObjectDock the way you had it using the above method.
Close and reopen the software each time, and note which change makes the software crash. We'll be interested to know what the result is and encourage you to reply with your findings. Needless to say, however, for now you'll probably want to keep this off your Dock to avoid continuous crashes.
Adam McGuinness
Stardock Customer Support Specialist