Here is an update on the issue. In the video I have just posted, I showed installing start11/Windowblind11/skinstudio11 on a freshly installed windows OS. No other applications actually installed. When I open the start menu and circle the reboot button I actually click it after I stop the recording and it just continues from there via video editing.
Steps to reproduce the issue on either windows 10/11 systems running latest windowblinds11/start11.
1. Apply a theme that has a glassy area on the topglass section.
2. Add the same image to the topglass light 11 section. (Google Drive Files)
The ones listed below doe not apply and will result in the glass area pulling the rebar texture unless you define them in the light 11 glassy area. All other ones do apply normally on topglass area but also wont work on Light glass area 11.
3. Apply theme and look at the topglass in file explorer. It will now look bugged out
With Light Glass Area 11 BG applied

Without Light Glass Area 11 Applied

Here is a second test I had done on another system using 2 versions of the theme. One with light area 11 skinned and one without it skinned.