as long as i plug all the wholes and share that info with others is all we can do.
I'm sure many members would appreciate hearing about those plugs.
It is no big secret Doc, i have always told you and others, MS pushes something on us, and others Push Back. Windows 11 being a Data stealing Entity created a whole side line for Software developers, they pushed back by creating numerous programs to help even basic users achieve this.
Think After Windows 7 when the Start Menu Changed, peeps did not like the direction MS was going in, so multiple software creators helped the user Bring back a Start menu , making there Windows look and feel just how they wanted, even Stardock jumped in that Band Wagon with Start 10 and 11, so you must see why huge changes do not bother me, as others will find a way to negate the changes MS try to push on us
"O&O ShutUp10" Not being rude, that is what it's called
"Gilisoft Privacy Protector"
These are just a few of the top of my Head, almost all of the above will make both Win 10 and 11 more Data Friendly for the end user and not MS, there are so many more.
Surely i am not the first to list this kind of Program, we have talked about MS stealing our Data for ages now. I see more and more of this kind OS program almost daily, hope that helps you Doc and anyone else who is interested in using Win11 in a better safer way.
I am Sure Doc you did not want me to list all those setting changes individually when they come in nice little packages like above.