I'm the kind of guy that skins for myself and just happens to share what I do with the community. Sometimes I like to revisit some of my older skins to see how they hold up today.
Fools Gold was uploaded in 2009. I remember being immensely proud of the skin and it gained an amount of attention with several other artist doing complimentary skins. It's also still remains my most downloaded skin to this day!
So how does it hold up today? I applied it to my windows 10 and it seemed ok. But not great. Back then, I didn't have the nerve to do a pure dark skin. Hell, I didn't have the skill to pull it off! The result is somewhere in-between. These halfway measures often times end up looking messy and more often than not will have some areas with text color/background conflicts.
Here's a screeny of the original in case you've forgotten (or didn't know it existed)

I want to be able to use my skins today and not have small things annoy me. So I had no choice, but to update the skin. This time, I can do it right! Better to do a fresh skin from the bottom up rather than edit the old skin. I left the original intact and in the past.
Presenting Fools Gold 2021

Here you can see that I have done a pure dark version then a pure light version. All Images were redrawn with the exception of the Start Button and the gold and blue "dots". I tried to capture the essens of the original while still creating something that I would be happy to call mine today.
I also did a slight update to the matching wallpaper. Cleaned up some jaggies and resized the entire image (2560x1440 is more relevant today than 1920x1080). I will of course include the new wallpaper in the WB upload.
Hope you all enjoy this update!