Apart from masks, health authorities are warning that masks alone are not sufficient protection and that eyes should also be covered from the saliva droplets from sneezing/coughing people infected with the virus. So if any of you need to go out at any time, please wear some sort of eye protection as well.... snugly fitting/enclosed sunglasses or spectacles should suffice.
Another thing, too, is how the incorrect use of gloves is not actually protection for the wearer and can give a false sense of security.
A vile practice I'm increasingly reading about here in Oz is spitting in the faces of police and medical staff just doing their jobs. It always was a disgusting thing, spitting at people, but in this devastating time of the Corona virus it is even more abhorrent than ever, whether the person is infected or not.... and even worse when they claim to their victims to have the disease.
I always believed Australians were better than that, and the majority are, but there is a handful of parasites who are totally un-Australian and should be locked up for a period, not just fined, as several have been, to ponder their filthy, nasty habits. Fines alone are obviously not enough as the crime seems to be increasing while this pandemic continues and has so many people scared.