Just set up my big beasty and it don't boot up.
Did you take a look at the Bios/Cmos settings to make sure they're still right? (Or is it even getting that far?) Wouldn't be the first time those settings went sideways after a computer has been unplugged for awhile.
Not to discourage you from looking at new hardware...
Yeah, I cleared the CMOS via the reset button at the rear. I tried to reset the BIOS but could not progress that far. The best I can get on the mobo is for the start button to light up, but nothing happens when I press it. After reseating everything and checking all the connections, I hoped it'd just fire up, but alas, no.
If it was something as basic as a MoBo battery gone bust yer gonna look like a wee bit of a twit...
Nah, it's not the battery. I reseated it and nothing. I also replaced it with one I know to be working and nothing.
Naturally, one of the things I never trusted to a removalist was my computer....that went by car [and survived]..
I didn't have that luxury, having moved from QLD. I could have put it on the plane when we flew down, but at the time it was going to cost a fortune due to its weight... all up.96kg. Sadly, I was at the mercy of the removalists, and yeah, as it came to be known after the fact, they were as rough as guts. However, the beastie was well wrapped and there were no visible signs of damage on the exterior.... hence my belief something had come adrift inside and my attempts to reseat/reconnect everything.
It could even be that just trying to boot it up after the trip down here caused the damage, not that there were any signs to suggest anything was faulty when I opened the case. I mean, if it had been something faulty electrically, surely I would have smelled burning? Thing is, I do not know the cause for sure, so I don't know I can blame the removalists for sure.
Anyway, it is dead and no signs of a resurrection, so I have salvaged all that is still okay and will install it in the new build once I get the parts. I managed to sell another PC I built to cover the costs, so at least I'll have recouped some of the cost..... about half, maybe a little more And to think, I wasn't going to build anymore PCs.