Hi Uvah,
I'm sorry but the gadget works fine on my both computers (Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10 1803):
Therefore, please pay attention to the step by step instruction:
1. Close the gadget. Then go to "C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Local\SD Gadgets" and completely remove the "WeatherLab-10" folder with all content.
2. Run the gadget again. You'll see something like this:
3. Click "Find Longitude and Latitude online".
4. Type "West Chester, Pennsylvania", press "Find" and you'll got coordinates of your home location.Then enter this data into the Geo Location box:
5. Enter the name of location "West Chester, Pennsylvania" and press Save.
6. Open Favorites Organizer and find your location in the Internal Data Base or Find City Code online:
7. Then press "Save" (the button with the diskette icon). Also you may remove the default "Kiev, Ukraine" location.
8. Finally press the green arrow icon (List of Cities) and get the weather forecast:
That's all... I hope the gadget will work for you now.
Best Regards. Vad.
P.S. About a green square. I've never seen it... May be this is a problem with your Video Card or WindowBlinds skin... Who knows???...