Yes, I thought it was time to end the conversation.
Religion is always a difficult subject. The problem is that if you put everything into faith, then that is all you need. You don't need to look for answers, you don't need to test your assumptions or your values.
Luckily we have the scientific method that does allow up to hypothesise and to test those theories to see if can get closer to real understanding of the world and the universe we live in. Arguing with theists doesn't get you anywhere it just like arguing about gun control or politics.
I have no problem with people who believe in a god or gods. However, dismissing science because you don't agree with it is not just irrational it is dangerous. It is the reason we have flat earthers, anti-vacination hystery, holocaust deniers, evolution deniers, moon landing deniers the list goes on. Who cares about supporting your arguments whop cares about empirical evidence?
@rg-gs I am not sure what you are on about - taking credit - taking credit for what?