I read Brad's words as meaning they'll be working on IP for 10, but they won't be putting a lot of resources into it, meaning they're not gonna hurry, so be patient.
Yeah, it could also be that... tho some folks 'll be thinking they can take their time so long as they hurry up. Not that I'm worried about compatability for 10, but I'd sure like to see some update love for 8.1.
On another note, I've been trying out the latest Ubuntu and Mint offerings to see which may become my primary OS further down the track. Thus far I'm undecided because both have good points and are eay enough to use. A review I read on the latest Mint distro was rather scathing and damned it for poor network connections and an inability to connect to the internet, but I did not experience those issues on my machine and will continue testing the OS for future use.
I guess now the question is when MS pulls the plug on Win 8.1. Given its continued push to get 10 on as many machines as possible before 2018, I'm guessing it won't be too long before the bad news is delivered and I'm saying bye bye to Windows for good.
Like they say, shit happens... that's cos arseholes create it