You know what is really weird? When I woke up the first thing I did was install today's Windows updates. Only after rebooting did I become aware of Winstep applications crashing left and right via the Winstep Support email and Uninstall Surveys.
I immediately went into emergency mode until I was able to figure out that the culprit had been the Windows Updates and that the problem was not affecting just Winstep applications.
But the weird part here is: even though I did see my Outlook 2003 (yes, 2003, don't laugh) crash exactly once, I was unable to reproduce the Winstep crashes other users were experiencing on ANY of my machines here. No crash. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.
And even knowing that the problem is Microsoft's responsibility and that in reality there is nothing to fix, it still irks me that I am not experiencing those crashes too. It irks me because, if I was, at least I would have been able to pin-point exactly where the rogue update was causing a problem (and perhaps come up with a work-around/fix for when (if) it happens again).