Yeah, and I expected he'd be taller
I used to be taller. But no i have a slight slant lol. Don't forget i have a false leg
Yeah, I do recall that being the case. However, I stole the line from a movie. Not sure of the name just now, but I have an idea it was either Patrick Swayze's Roadhouse or a Kevin Costner classic, The Bodyguard.
I also have a slant... to the right. My right leg is an inch and a half shorter than the left, meaning I walk a bit lopsided and with a pronounced limp.... and doesn't half play havoc with my lower and middle back.
I almost ended up with a prosthesis, though. I smashed the hip and upper femur quite badly and the first surgeon said the leg couldn't be saved, so I asked for a second opinion. I got the answer I wanted but the surgeon said it was unlikely I walk again... not just because the hip and top of the femur was largely disintegrated, but because I also had spinal injuries [broke my back in 6 places] and had little to no movement below the waist. I told him: "You Fix it and I'll walk!"
My insistence and determination paid off. Several surgeries later a 136 fractures and almost 3 years as an in-patient, almost 18 months as an outpatient, I walked into his rooms for an appointment, unaided and carrying my crutches. Let's just say he was gobsmacked. with his jaw dropping so much I thought it was gonna hit his kneecaps, such was his surprise.
I must admit, though, the pain can get pretty intense sometimes, with arthritis in both hips, knees and ankles, lower and middle back, both shoulders and elbows from all the years of weight bearing and lifting myself in and out, on and off of things. Thing is, while it all hurts like buggery some days, I remain grateful to the surgeon, whose fantastic work helped put me back together again. Sometimes the pain reminds me of the parable "I once complained that I had no shoes. Then I saw a man who had no feet.". Yup, I'm heaps better off than some/many
Anyhow, enough of all that... going over it also reminds me that I got a bit 'naughty' with a few nurses and got into trouble with hospital administration. Yeah, the bastards confiscated my wheelchair before giving me a dishonourable discharge for getting caught once too often in the nurses quarters.