I also miss the lively forums threads we used to have.
Ditto... in triplicate!
WC forums used to be so interesting and lively way bay when, especially with such old timers as Night Train, Sleeping Dragon and Bichur. I'm sure there are many others who contributed to mke the forums warm and friendy places as well... if only they'd all come back from time to time.
Sadly, the forums nowadays consists of 3 million lurkers who NEVER contribute, and a couple of dozen regulars who do their best to keep things going despite the huge imbalance and little else activity. For mine, lurkers shouls only be able to read 10 to 20 posts before a script kick in on their account that blocks them from reading anything on the forums unless they contribute regular written posts of their own.
I also propose 2 teir subscriptions where contributors pay a lower amount and lurkers pay the lion's share for simply being takers without giving anything back.
Orright, now I've had a gripe/whinge/bitch, back to the WBs.
Yeah, while I like a bit of bling here and there to make things interesting, I do like the simplistic, older style WBs with narrow borders and toolbars, etc. And the rollup button, well lately I've been using Dark Tone by Bleumart. It is a dark skin with blue buttons... including rollup.