I thought long about opening a topic like this...
I had been a Fan of the Products provided from Stardock to enhance my visual experience on Windows.
Sadly I can no longer enjoy it as I did once.
I stumbled upon things that are so annoying and frustrating to me to deal with and even though i told you about these problems nothing seems to be done to solve the mystery.
I know once windows8 hit the market everyone was complaining about how much clicks it took to restart the system.
Now I have to complain about having to restart my system after applying a Windowblinds skin to see my start8 font.
Not only once, I have to do it each time I change a skin. But there is more...
Start8 still does not support live tiles nor does it support Windowblinds animations the topic i once opened was left unanswered.
Only 2of3 joined and said it would be nice to have animations on start8.
Looks like people are far from interested about such a feature, maybe that is the reason you don’t change it.
I think having animations would be a nice bonus and it would benefit not only skinners on win8 to have a look at skins without having to download and set up a VM, it would also be a nice addition to the list of functions for start8 and of course the normal end user.
Maybe then I would invest my time to make some more skins, currently I would rather punch my PC from the table each time I have to restart my PC as soons as I apply a skin from Skinstudio.
People might consider buying the whole OD pack if they know Start8 will have sweeet animations on it if they also run Windowblinds and a skin that offers animations.
I’m just pointing this out so something might be done for once, since there is the chance for cash to be made.
All I experienced over some years using the products is that if there is no cash made things will be on the bottom line of the list.
Like good old Iconpackager that STILL can NOT handle live folders on win8 correctly.
But I have to admit that I think with so many free solutions out there, that are also pretty damn good, especially in the the startmenu section, I think SD should consider adding support for animations and well beyond that, what I mean is live tile support for example like displayed on windows10.
I’m still loyal to SD products simply because I appreciated the time using them on windows7 and because of the nice good people on WC that are helpful if you run into problems.
But as customer I think I have to speak up and point my frustration out finally, I try to stay polite here and hope something will be done.
I don’t want to complain but I took three steps back of extending my sub until there is windows10 on the market, mainly because I encountered problems on my machine using my OD.
With several programs in the list.. as well as Start8 in combination of Windowblinds.
Things like rebooting the system to have text visible for the applications after applying a skin.
Windowblinds crashes and freezes, Display driver crashing locking up the cursor afterwards forcing me to restart.
Fences not responding crashing. No seperate handling off drives and programs located on those causing a slow desktop boot.
There is more IP - live folders, DECOR font problems, Deskscapes...
Meanwhile my subscription is running for another year
Object Desktop Subscription - Expires in 371 days
not even using any application of my OD currently.
Not one, my system is back to its normal speed no freezes no bugs no disappearing windowframes (captions) and I’m thinking, should I ask you guys if it is possible to give my running subscription to someone since I’m not using it.
That is a serious question^
Sorry about this post but things have been working better in the past as they do now.
I totally lost my motivation to skinning anything because of the constant bugs and problems I’m facing surely it has been a while since I uploaded anything but I do requests that’s more fun than uploading and going through moderation.
I simply don’t care anymore like I used to about uploads ratings and all that all I want is to have fun and the way things work for me currently the fun is on the low end like IP.
But that is a different Story, today I opened this topic from the view point of a customer.
I tried not to be offensive in any way here since I know that you guys don’t like it and neither do I but if you find something that was too harsh I’m sorry but I’m not so happy either r and my English doesn’t allow me to write this in a different manner currently. So don‘t be too defensive and offended by it.