The Guardian put out news of some interesting research.
What we always felt instinctively is true. Men are wired for perception and coordinated action (as you’d expect in a hunter) while women are wired for social skills and memory. This can be seen in the more numerous links between the right and left sides of the brain in females as opposed to males.
The neural maps (connectome maps) were observed using diffusion tensor MRI imaging. Here are the maps (men in blue women in gold):
male brain

female brain

These are typical results from 428 males and 521 females aged 8-22. The difference between the sexes become apparent in 14-17 year olds. This might suggest more of a hormonal origin rather than a cultural influence.
Anyway, this becomes more fascinating when one considers mental illness and mapping of pathways for problems such as Depression, Schizophrenia, etc. in males and females and how they respond to treatment with various medications, tailored to more specific pathways since there are differences in disease prevalence in males and females.