I thought skinning was about art, and master skinning was about cash.
If masters want to pass because it is not lucrative, then they are true masters by definition.
How this evolved into a contest thread is moot,but is way off point as far as "where have all the masters gone".
Ultimately I think the users are getting great skins regardless of titles.
Although, some users who contribute regularly and do so with nice work, may deserve a promotion just to show some appreciation for all the time and work spent skinning.This seems to be a very slow process, a bunch of talent is available to choose from, and I refer to others, not myself.
I would imagine the free skins attract way more attention than pay skins anyhow.Hell, I'm cheap, I like free.
I think a true skinner skins regardless of time, money, or any other reason short of death or dismemberment.
I have one of the worst pains twenty four hours a day from carpal and I still skin.So. who cares is my opinion on where they are at.