After a very long time of little to no activity on any of my MASTER Gadgets and on my website Commercial Gadgets, I have decided to shut it all down.
I have deleted all my Master Gadgets from WC. If anyone wants anything I might be willing to reupload things for free.
I will NOT be reuploading the Holiday Countdown PRO as it has been nothing but a royal pain in my butt for years now.
Since spending MONTHS coding it, and having all that VANISH in the blink of an eye, to Having it no longer work on "some" Vista and Win 7 boxes (not all). I have spent hundreds of hours on this one gadget. In all that i think i have sold a total of 20 of them. at $2-3 of "profit" on my end, meaning i was working for less then pennies an hour.
My commercial gadgets site was doing ok for the first year or two, but without the time to devote to things I have not added anything new, or looked at any of the gadgets on there since 2009.
Its sad that DX4 never really materialized as i might have been interested in seeing how that would have worked out (not bitching, i fully understand the climate and business decision). I do use DX a good bit for my job, and it has served me well for all these years.
I want to thank everyone who supported my work, helped me with testing, and bought anything of mine.
As of today, I will no longer be supporting any of my gadgets. If it works, yeah, if not, oh well.
I cant put that time into this when i could be using it to do something that is much more productive to my future.
I may from now and then still check on things here, and if you need DX help leave me a msg.
One thing that this is probably going to do is break all the Tutorials I worked so hard on. As they all point to my Commercial Gadgets website for the images. These are all going to be gone by the end of the day (the images, not the Tuts). If someone at SD/WC wants to move them to their servers somehow im fine with that. (Let me know).
I really did enjoy my years spent on DX.
Thanks again all!
If you didnt know, I'm heavily into photography now, at both my facebook page:
and my personal web page:
Please LIKE my FB page and leave me a message so we can keep up.