I am a generally happy person. My wife, is not.
I used to think I could "make" her happy. No. She will have to find happiness for herself, as I did. Took me years to learn that.
I found my happiness by spending 3 years as a homeless, low life, bottom dweller. Then coming back from that through venues I won't speak of for fear of making this a religious reply.
I came back, my wife (former) did not. You all know where I am now. The former wife? In prison for murder 2.
I truly believe that happiness is a choice we make.
As a child, I was afraid of my abusive father. A man who had raped a few of my siblings. As a child, I was sexually molested by my older brother. Until I was old enough to stop him. I could go on....
All this led me to choose to be unhappy, to drink and drug my way through life in an attempt to either find happiness, or cover the unhappiness. Happiness eluded me.
Then, I met wife 2. Had two kids by her. Had them taken from me due to her past, then caught her in bed with my "best friend". But, as stupid as it was, I stayed with her.
But I let her take me to the point where I no longer cared, about anything. My spirit was broken. I literally ceased to care.....barely existing.
3 years of that and I somehow found my way back, because from the bottom, all there is is up.
After some counseling, and a few weeks in a mental hospital, I fought my way back. Created a relationship with my two sons, remarried to a wonderful woman, who can't seem to find true happiness.
I choose to be happy. I won't go back to the "dark side".
My father in law says that one of the best things about me is that no matter what is going on around me, I find a way to enjoy my day. (Be Happy)
In my world, happiness is a choice I make. YMMV.