To put on my remind list: do not talk about the bombs on Facebook.
As always you should be far more worried about what they aren't telling you, than worried about what they are telling you. Skype/Google/Facebook is monitored? That's not news. That's a given (a "bad" given, but still).
I'd be more worried about the fact that I happened to stumble upon a child porn site in 2007. Of course it was a mistake and nobody ever contacted me or anything. But now it's in their logs. And maybe 10 - 15 years from now they happen to need something from me. Maybe a friend is a suspect - maybe my whole company is shady. Only now they got me real good, because I absolutely do not want to go to prison for viewing child porn and so they apply the pressure. Or maybe I just happen to become too vocal about their shady business but I can't now, right? And that's a dictatorship.
And if you think that can't or won't happen, you haven't been paying attention to the countries where it did happen just like this. But don't worry about it because 'MURICA is different. Except you've got a president who is actually defending this. Yeah, I'd be worried too, if I was an American.
"In the abstract you can complain about Big Brother and how this is a potential program run amok, but when you actually look at the details, I think we've struck the right balance," Obama said, noting that a secret federal court reviews requests for surveillance and that Congress is briefed on such activity.
Let's see. Secret laws you are not allowed to know about. Secret courts making calls on behalf of the government. Yes, stupid population, why aren't you looking at the details? Well, you fucking well can't, can you?