I can't be the only one who bought Windowblinds without any warning that it wouldn't work in Win8. Win8 final has been out for some time now. The excuse that Stardock couldn't develop a Win8 version until Win8 was finalised is unbelievable nonsense. The guts of Win8 were all there in the beta and the removal of Aero for example was anticipated and could be built into the WB development plan. In fact Aero is still there and there are many free utilites to make it available to users. These appeared within days of the RTM release. Someone was on the ball!
It is a marketing disaster for Stardock and has alienated a huge number of previously loyal customers. The way it has been handled is abysmal and a PR shot in the foot.
I hope that when the Win8 version is finally ready, all those of us with a Win7 version of Windowblinds who upgraded to Win8 shortly after purchase will be given a substantial discount for the new version. To not do so could well sound the death knell of Stardock.
WindowBlinds 7 was developed for and advertised to work on Windows XP, Vista and 7 and it continues to this day to do so. We have never made any promises that it would work on Windows 8.
Development time has to be allocated where it does most good and unfortunately the changes in Windows 8 mean that the time required to do the update was longer than the time available due to the large under the skin changes, so WindowBlinds 8 was pushed into this quarter. Would I like it to have been ready earlier, sure, but thats life. WindowBlinds is a very complicated bit of software, it isn't like it changes a few registry keys and patches some images on disk.
Our policy on upgrades has always been that sales with X days of the next version will get the upgrade for free and sales outside that period get a discounted version. Therefore when WindowBlinds 8 is released this will be looked at and a decision made as to who gets a free upgrade and who does not. In the past the maximum upgrade cost has been about 50% of the price of the new version so either free or 50% off is a substantial discount.
We are of course happy that you like the software so much that you are desperate to have a version that works on Windows 8 and you can be sure that we too would like to release it as soon as possible.
Now that we have the next version for DeskScapes ready for beta we will be allocating more resources over to WindowBlinds 8.