The Genius at Oatmeal does it again. Here is a tiny snippet:
Read the whole thing.
And now a message to the hateful, degenerate scum of the Internet:
Dear soul sucking trolls,
If you’ve publicly posted that you won’t buy stuff from my company because you don’t like me then I say to you: Thank you. The last thing I want are horrible stupid people benefiting from my work. I realize that things I post, email, tweet, facebook, etc. can occasionally be taken out of context and be spun to fit whatever agenda the person in the media needs it to fit that day to get their page views. But nothing forces you to buy the crap they’re posting. If you hate someone you don’t even know, you should probably seek counseling.
Making stuff and putting yourself out there can be very rewarding. I know hateful trolls out there froth at the mouth whenever there’s some individual trying to express themselves. I understand your problem. You’re weak. You’re cowardly. And rather than trying to improve yourselves or having the courage to take a chance and try putting yourself out there you lash out at those who do. You’re pathetic.
In the end, you’re irrelevant. Once the people who create content realize that you don’t matter, you lose whatever power you might have had. Your predictions of their demise, your hateful tweets, your promises to not support whatever it is they make ultimately amount to nothing because most people aren’t horrible, pathetic creatures like you are. Good people outnumber you 1000 to 1.
My advice to you is this: Quit hating people. Look at yourself. Do some soul searching. Become a better person. Don’t shit on stuff you don’t like but try to make things better. Don’t spend your energy trying to bring down someone you don’t even know who has done nothing to you. Make your own stuff. Share it with others. And if you can’t, then shut the hell up.
For everyone else, read this:
The point being, don't take out your personal baggage on other individuals.
And for those linking in and being offended by my message to trolls: I have no means to keep stupid hateful trolls from being customers. I can only hope that they self-select themselves for removal. It makes life easier for us all. I realize most trolls don't see themselves as such. So let me give you a hint: If you you are emotionally invested in harming some individual you don't even know, that should be a hint. If you're putting your time and energy to try to harm someone you've never met, has done nothing to you you might want to talk to someone.
If what I write rankles you, don't read it. Find something else to do. If you disagree but can control your angst, feel free to participate. Talk about it here. Join the discussion. But if I don't like Windows 8 and you do, then don't assume that I'm some Mac fanatic and thus an avatar of all things you imagine Mac fanatics are (which are probably in themselves false). If I have a different political view on some issue than you do, that doesn't mean that I subscribe to every political view you disagree (or hate).
Remember, I'm just one guy with strong opinions on tons of stuff. I have no power over you. Until I'm made emperor of the planet (which, I think you can agree, is inevitable and my castle shall be constructed with the skulls of my real and imagined -- mostly imagined -- foes) use this opportunity to hang out, debate and talk about whatever.
Update 2:
I saw a thread that thinks this topic was inspired by one particular trolling event -- from September at that. Get over yourselves. Any time you put yourself out there, there will be hateful nasty people. If you've visited her from some nest of hateful, nasty people don't assume this post is about whatever your particular grievance of the day.