Quoting Chibiabos, reply 3 I'm not talking about karma points here, but a separate score tallying first-to-find-a-bug.
That in itself implies that there are enough bugs present to make a sport out of it. I doubt that is the case.
(You won't make many friends on the dev or web teams with accusations of an overflowing bug population.)
I myself have started 12 separate [BUG] or [GLITCH] threads, and that's not counting the several typos I have reported and a couple "not sure if its a bug" posts such as my inquiry about the Beta-recently-updated-3-to-4-items-equippable reduced back to 3 in the campaign which I wasn't sure if it was intentional or a bug.
The notion of any game being bug-free at release anymore seems sheer fantasy ... but contrary to what is probably popular belief, smaller studios (no offense) like Stardock actually seem to be better at fixing them than larger ones. I've been severely disappointed in Firaxis, for instance ... regular updates have been anything but, and now they seem to have abandoned vanilla to work only on patching the premium G&K expansion. Sid could probably much more readily swallow giving credits to early purchasers, I expect he has much deeper pockets than Brad and Stardock do, but I don't expect he'll ever do right for customers bugged out by release versions.
Its just not reasonable to expect anyone to release bug-free products anymore ... sad, but I fear it is truth. My experience being a faithful Stardock customer of several years, though, is Stardock will make stuff right. They were still patching GC2 more than 3 years after release, and Dark Avatar and Twilight of the Arnor both breached a 2.0 mark with patches. How many games are patched into 2.x!?
Brad took great pains to not hide behind silence on War of Magic's less than stellar launch. Not only did he give early purchasers credit for not one but two expansions, which I have not heard any publisher do anything so costly despite many launches being as bad or worse than WoM, but made a public confessional "I'm sorry!" Yeah I'm sure its not thrilling to know OMG, our shiny game has bugz! But I have seen no indication that 'Can we just talk quietly about this bug and not admit publicly that there are any?' I would like to think that the un-fun could be made a bit less un-fun by throwing some fun competition into it. Stardock is growing, but we paying customers are a potential gold mine of eyes and ears for finding bugs.