You all have lost my respect here at Wincustomize. Your true colors are now showing and I'm ashamed to admit that I was associated with any of you !!! It's disgusting that you think this is o.k.- The true measure of a person is the content of their character, and from what I have just read here, none of you even come close to Sarah Palin.
you brother has lived in Seattle for 5 years.... As a laid back Aussie does... he's prone to having a barbie...throwing on a shrimp or two (prawns, actually)... and inviting around the neighbours and friends....a very friendly, sociable character he is.... The first occassion this happened, his American wife said... you can't do that dear, you're mixing Republicans and Democrats... won't work... He said... rubbish... and invited them all.... he said it got soooo nasty, was on the verge of fisty cuffs.... never again he said, only have Democrat friends over at one time... and Republican friends over another....
gotta say... this really shocked the hell out of me too....
seems like people need to get a grip, who define themselves and their friendships by their narrow they end up... as we've seen here...
If you don't mix with people of different politics, religions, races, opinions etc etc... how do you ever expect to expand and grow as a person....
Ace.. you need to get out more...
you... are VERY tightly wound...