but in general this is nonsense. do you really think Microsoft is setting design trends?
Are you trying to put words into my mouth? Large company = Microsoft? Yes, Microsoft is a large company, but I did not name it as being the instigator of this trend, did I?
My point was that somebody high up the food chain usually/nearly always decides what the rest of we peons want to wear, hear, see, smell, taste.... and like sheep, the majority of the human race has or covets it.
please don't tell me you prefer the Geocities look over the BBC website.
Why not? Aren't I entitled to a preference? Oh, don't tell me, "so long as it's the same as mine."
Ya know, back in the 70's, when every man and his dog was wearing poofy flares and floral shirts, cos that was the IN thing, I was still dressing like a hooligan biker with unkempt hair, etc, etc.... and probably still would if I could throw ma leg over a hog still. Again, that was me being me and telling the f**king fashion designers where to stick their poofy designs.
Yep, I'm an obstinate old bastard and fashion designers, hair stylists and advertisers all hate me cos I won't swallow their guff about what I should buy, wear, etc, etc.