Just wanted to take a moment and thank all of the great skinners in the community for some really fantastic skins that are being uploaded to the WinCustomize Gallery Libraries. For some folks like myself, who are not skinners, it is a great pleasure to check out all the skins, usually on a daily basis, and marvel at what the skinners are able to keep coming up with.
Now I know there have been comparisons between skins of today and those of past years. Lots of changes have been made to the OSs, adding elements and taking away some and the tools that Stardock makes and provide to customize your desktops with have I am sure changed also. Some may even wonder if the talent level of skinners isn't what it used to be.
Whenever I download a WindowBlind skin, which is often, I try to make sure I look at everything to see just what these skinners are doing. Since I use IE it's nice to see that skinners are not forgetting to skin the backward and forward arrows. It also nice when they take the time to skin the animation of the progress bar that a lot of the software uses. This attention to detail is not just in WBs either, it goes on in all the skins like the folks who do Docks and do graphics for the (+) and (-) that you see in tabbed docks. Have to also mention the great graphic designs you see, from minimal to down right blow your socks off with lots of animation. I'm sure that you have seen more.
This level of detail isn't just with the Stardock software either, you see it in Rainmeter, SysMetrix and Winstep and the rest.
Now all this would be just great by itself, but most of what you find here uploaded to the galleries is free, yes folks, free. Now that should really bring a smile to your face.
Just one more thing, there is currently a GUIC going on with some great entries so far. I hope you find the time to visit the GUIC site and let the folks know just how much their efforts, talent and skinning skills are appreciated. Yes, they are trying to win the prizes but I bet we can bring smiles to their faces with a Thank You. Here is a link http://www.guichamps.com/
Have a great day everyone.