Climate change happening is pretty obvious for everyone but the most extreme critics. What isn't so obvious is what are the synergies causing it. How much is man-made, how much natural, how much from past industrialization and how much from the present?
Proponents want to control global industry and economy and introduce all sorts of austerity measures to force people to change--even to the point of further damaging the world economy and making it less stable. They cheer every "proof" that it's "man's fault" (entirely) and ignore are become agitated at anything that shows other factors.
Here's a good one: One large and prolonged volcanic eruption can dump as much CO2 into the atmosphere as the last century of industrial pollution.
Another recent and sound study showed that if you stopped every bit of global industry right now it would not reverse the presently known changes.
The last thing is that even though we know a lot about causes, we really don't understand and have data for the "whole system"--we just know bits and pieces.
It's no problem doing something long term about it but its the, "Give us control now and don't question us you idiots!" attitudes of the green movement extremists that make the rest of us mistrusting of their motives and agendas.