I can probably say I was the first to figure it out. My friend of mine told me that when Microsoft Gaming Studioes released a quote with Cortana saying something about the Prometheus Project, I found the trailer for the movie left clues. There was nothing specific in Cortana's quote, therefore giving famous well-known director, Ridley Scott, who directed the Transformers Trilogy, and Battleship, with well-known actor, Liam Neeson, the imaginative freedom to direct and create his ideas into what has now become the movie called "Prometheus".
In the beginning of the trailer, when they show one of the ancient civilization's king looking at his hand, and his veigns get dark and start to move, that was one clue that me and my friend figured out. Another clue is the color of the pods in the crescent-shaped ship, along with the ceiling's color and movement. The other clue is the man holding the small bit of flesh on the tip of his forefinger, when he says "Big things have small beginnings" near the end of the Prometheus trailer. The last clue is when almost at the end of the trailer, the trooper yells "GET IT OUT!!!".
All of this led to my most certain and probable conclusion of what this may and MIGHT be the beginning of: The Halo movie series. Why? The color of the pods, the king's veigns, the small bit of flesh, and the trooper yelling "get it out". The pods were Flood pods. You can easily see the resemblance between Halo 3's Flood pods, and the pods in the movie trailer. In one of the terminals in the Halo: Anniversary game, The veigns of the Elite start to move and change color; same deal with the king. In another terminal, the small bit of flesh is 30x smaller than 343 Guilty Spark in the game as well. That small bit of flesh happens to be a Flood Spore. AND finally, the quote: "get it out". In the first Halo game, the VERY first thing you hear from an infected marine, while still alive, is "GET IT OOUUT!!!". IN the current trailer, that is the one thing you would hear from a real infected marine (though might be true).
We are probably now entering a new era of movie technology for Sci-Fi movies EVER made, thanks to Ridley Scott. IF what my conclusion says is true, and it is CLOSE to what Ridley Scott has planned for us, Halo Fans, we are most likely to have a world-wide sensation of the very first movie in the Halo series, Prometheus. The one thing that will determine the Halo movie's greatness, is Ridley Scott's excellent choosing of actors, actresses, and for the MAIN characters: Cpt. Jacob Keyes, Seargant-Major Johnson, and, of course, Cortana, the well-known ship-board AI for the Pillar of Autumn. Currently, I do not know whether or not this IS accurate. BUT, Microsoft Gaming Studios, having fired Peter Jackson for his poor choice of actors and deliberately refusing to accept Microsoft Gaming Studio's veto for his choice of actors, they gave Ridley Scott his first chance for bringing his well-known excellence in technology for the nation-wide sensation, the Transformers Trilogy, and Battleship. Some of you may agree, some of you may not. AS THE TITLE SAYS, THIS IS ONLY A DAMN THEORY. I DID NOT SAY THIS IS ACCURATE. iM POSTING SIMILARITIES THAT MAY EXIST OR NOT!!! DO NOT RAMPAGE ABOUT ME SAYING "IT'S NOT TRUE, IT'S NOT TRUE, IT'S NOT TRUE!!!".