I do have a problem with the window flip on my notebook: http://www.imagebanana.com/view/9zu7741e/notebook.jpg
Okay, it depends on the windowsblinds skin I have active. With Subsecret for example, this problem is also fully present on my computer, which is currently in use on my notebook. The skin I had active on my computer first (Nocturne), made no problems. So I thought that this is just a problem of my notebook, which isn't.
Edit: I see now that a window is not semi transparent while moving anymore due to wobbly windows.
About windowflip: The Icon that is displayed there, is always the default icon, which is normaly in use, if the file or exe does not have a specific icon. No matter if the application I have flipped is actually having a specific icon.
Edit²: Sometimes it happens that the "terminate app" button is not there. If I just open the win explorer, it is not present, until I flip it a second time.
See here, there you an also see the default icon of my icon packager theme, even though the explorer.exe does have an own icon: http://www.imagebanana.com/view/0urzo9qf/flip.jpg