Aniutil.exe is a great little program to build strip animations. Through the tears there hass always been people trying to find it , Stardock included it with several pieces of their software. So the easiest way I have found to tell everyone is if you have Cursor FX installed then you already have it.
on Windows 7 64 bit ..... C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\CursorFX
32 bit ..... C:\Program Files \Stardock\CursorFX
on Vista 64 bit ..... C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\CursorFX
32 bit ..... C:\Program Files \Stardock\CursorFX
on XP ..... C:\Program Files \Stardock\CursorFX
I use a different program called Animstrip.exe not that Stardock's isn't a great program because it is . It's small light weight fast and easy, it does the job right every time.
However there are 2 feature about it I really like.
*1st... It accepts drag and drop of all the images you are using to make the strip at one time.
*2nd.. It gives you an animated preview of the finished anition before saving.

This program was released under a free common license however about 2 or 3 yrs ago the link in my favorite stop working. I have spent countless hrs. looking for it again with no success. After my last PC crash I had to start going through HDDs looking for and old copy of the program. I did finally find it so this time I uploaded a backup so I could not lose it again.
Below is a link to the program I do not believe there are any legality issues with this.
Side note if any mods feel there is an issue here let me know I will be glad to remove the link.
The main reason for this post is I have done this often and wanted to consolidate all the info into 1 place.
Hope this helps ! A/V