Another reason I belive we don't see that kind of quality anymore is that (to me) a Windowblinds skin just doesn't cut it anymore. Too many pieces are not able to be skinned and thus NOTHING looks 100% complete. MS has ruined Windowblinds skinning. There are some good blinds around and what can be skinned is done fairly well but I still think the small details aren't there like they used to be. I feel that quality has taken a back seat to quantity with quite a few talented people.
DX is also borked on Win7 x64. A lot of the built in tools (performance meters for example) don't work and version 4 is even worse. I fear DX has become a has been.
Iconpackager - Has hosed my system 1 too many times. Haven't used it since the last time it did it to me a couple years ago. (Blank icon issues especially if you uninstall the program).
Wallpapers - some good stuff out there but WAY too much abstract swirlyballspirograph stuff. Remember the good ol days of Nuvem and Apocalypse67? etc.
The only thing I've found to be reliable is Winstep and I'm waiting on the skinning tools for that before I have a go at it.
Uvah.. does smx work 100% on Windows7? Also, that is a FINE example of quality craftsmanship there.