Bebi Bulma thanks for the info... If I am getting this I should start with 2560x1600 then sizes the Wallpaper down to the other sizes..
EX. so if I start with 2500x1600 then size it down to 1920x1080 keeping Constrain Proportions is checked Question after doing and saving do I then hit ctrl+alt+z or do I just keep sizing it down from 1920x1080 to get the others.. I know what I know about Photoshop could fit on a pen head.... but if I don't ask questions that may seem dumb to the pros I can't do a GREAT JOB....
After what DaveBax said about the distortion I was like how can this be BUT i went back and looked at the Lucky Strike WP's and I then seen
how the head of the match was distored. and that is not what I want to upload so I will go back and redo them and omit the 2500x2000 all together as I did not keep Constrain Proportions
I just did a check but I am not sure if it will work I just made a new blank canvas of 2500x2000 then sized it down to 1920x1536 that is with the Constrain Proportions i was going for 1920x1080 ... Q is should I just trash Lucky Strike and start over with 2500x1600 or will resizing them from what I have work..... I know a lot of dumb Questions, but if I don't ask I can't learn the right way .... thanks for any info and the help so far 
as to Resolution is 300 mode is 16 bit/ channel
I thought if you start with a higher Resolution and a high bit as to 32 the image is clearer better
If you could please tell me more about this info... and why PS will not let me save JPG with 32bit oh and about HD wallpapers how do I know what to start with as to the Resolution and bit.... thanks for your help and patients