I rang my sister in Tasmania tonight while all was going well she dropped a bombshell on me my sister joan is dying she has brain cancer she has put up with years of abuse and never complained about the miss treatment she got from that thing she is married too as she was/is too frightend of him and his reprisals they share 5 children one who is mently handycaped. a few years a go she had a brain opperation for two aneurysms and was told by the Doctor there will be something else as time goes on no one expected this the Doctors say she hasn't long . could you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers thanks I need to go I am having trounble seeing the keyboard. Thanks again

Joan Clarke
A Sister Just Like You
I just want to let you know
You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly
The many things you’ve done
All the times that you were there
Help me know deep inside
How much you really care
Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a Sister just like you
I love you Joan