I'd like to bump, and expand upon this idea (its actually what i logged in to suggest, just thought id see if it was requested before hand)
"The point of Fences is not to manage icons (that's what ObjectDock, ObjectBar, etc. are for) but to organize your desktop."
Though this feature is the equivalent of sweeping dirt under the rug, it would really help improve the look of the desktop while still retaining quick access to all the files on the desktop.
- the title bar would only be slightly longer than the title (Up to the length of the main area ) This way if the user wants the title bar to always match the size of the fence they could add a bunch of spaces...
- the body should remain on screen regardless of the title position (this way the user could put the title in the very corner, and the body would remain fully on screen but appear as if the title was aligned right/left or below the body)
- The title would be 30-50% invisible when the mouse isn't hovering over it (to further reduce the visual impact of fences)
- the body would be 100% hidden/inactive until its title has been hovered over
- the title could be 100% visible when the mouse is hovering over it (not necessary but it would help to create a distinction between hovered and un-hovered states)
- The body would become visible/active when the title is hovered over
- the title could increase in height by 1-3 pixels when hovered over, until the body hides again (to help create a visual disconnect between the body and other titles that are placed in a row with the active title)
- the body could be 30-70% visible after being activated
- The body would remain visible/active until the mouse leaves both the body and the title area.
- holding control? while clicking the title would lock the body open
Heres a link to a mock-up
Note: this mockup was actually made with/for nimi-places which is a similar program to yours, and what I currently use
however this feature if Implemented would likely get me to switch, as the maker(s) seem unwilling to implement it themselves.