so...a WIP thread....could have rivalled the great Word Association...Mk 1 thread !!
Ahem, this would have been a WIP thread that would have rivalled the 'Word Association' thread. War and Peace, both the Old and New Testaments combned. Evolution was faster, but hey, if vStyler is allowed time off to go karaokiing, WOM is entitled to pace himself and calculate frequent toilet breaks into his skinning endeavours. And going to school with Moses didn't help, either, That relatively unknown 11th Commandment (the one Moses drummed into him) : "Thou shalt not commit skinning on the Sabbath." has interfered something awful in his project.....
WOM, in his observance of the Sabbath (and so as not to offend anyone he observes them ALL) only skins on Monday evenings between the hours of 9.00pm and 12.00am.... so if it's running late, blame his old school chum, Moses.
However (and it's a BIG however), I don't swallow this Win 7 'delay'. Sure Win 7 is a huge event on the PC horizon, and hasn't gone to RTM as yet, but that is no excuse not to release a Vista and XP version. These OSes have been RTM and updated for years, so a release of "the most anticipated WindowBlinds skin in history is not only overdue but expected within the VERY NEAR future. Toilet breaks and all - observance of a multitude of Sabbaths - there needs to be a WIP or a beta release at the very least.
* to be honest, WOM, XP is on its last legs and is doomed to go the way of Win 95, 98 and ME, so give 'em the flick and just concentrate on the Vista edition. Bugger the rest, just pour all your Monday resources between 9.00pm to 12.00am into getting that Vista version happening. Orright???? *
Anyhow, WOM, I've covered your arse enough already.
Bugger Win 7 and XP, just get that Vista version completed... ASAP!!!