But seriously though kids of today have got it better than when some of us were growing up.
In some ways, yes, but when I was growing up we didn't have to face up to kids carrying guns and knives in schools.... having to go through a metal detector to get to class. In my day, we got into a fist fight, took our lumps and got on with it... these days kids are getting shot/stabbed in revenge for even the mildest of altercations.
Sure, kids these days have so much technology at their fingertips, stuff we'd never even dreamed of, much less seen, but then expectations of them are so much higher and there's a greater pressure on them to succeed/perform. Nope, there was nothing wrong with the 3 R's and a basic education that set us up for life... and the quality of life was no worse for not having all the tech gadgets kids these days take for granted...expect whether or not their parents can afford them.
Thing is, while they expect/take these things for granted, they still have to pay the piper. Expectations of them are far greater, and teen (and younger) suicides are on the increase as a result of the pressure they're under to perform/succeed. In my day, teen suicide and younger was unheard of, so.....
I would much rather be 50 than 15.
Exactly, cos the complications/pressures of starting out these days are more than we ever had to face... and it gets tougher as time and technology progress because the bar keeps getting raised higher with each new generation. Progress, yes, but at what price?
Yup, growing up in the 50's and 60's was so much simpler... uncomplicated.