But hey.. I shoud defer these topics to the Master of Gasaster... Starkers!
I dunno, you're doing a pretty good job yourself, Phoon... in fact that 'snapping' off a turtle bit was excellent.

For Starkers sake I hope that glass is shatterproof.
Now I'm not too sure that'd be the right 'convenience' for me anyhow... it'd be nigh on impossible getting a grip on the back of the door with my teeth when discharging unusually large and difficult loads, which brings me to another point...
I didn't notice a rope in there anywhere... to gently lower 'turtles' weighing more than 10 lbs. without one the subsequent splash can be horrendous... and hitching up yer dripping arse under those warm air dryers with yer pants down around yer ankles takes a few acrobatics and some contortionist tricks.
I am arthritic and not so flexible anymore.... so a damned rope is essential.

I'd stop too quickly and end up with 'skid marks'.
Actually, pinching off too soon isn't the problem... it's pinching off too late with a depleted/weakened sphincter. 
Then the skid marks resemble those of a FA18 landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.
Actually, I did a bit of bathroom/toilet skinning recently.... well sort of.
It looks like I installed a couple of exhaust fans, but they're actually painted on facsimilies... and are intended to lull visitors to the smallest room in the house into a false sense of security.