It's beta testing day! I switched the large wall for 1440 x 900, added the dripping animation, made some last minute tweaks, etc.
Heres the download link (follow the site instructions) -- LINK
There are quite a few features in the theme but the areas I'm most concerned about are: the drip, the start menu navigator, calendar, drag and drop menus, and weather. Let me know if anything's broke or needs improvement. Thanks again!
It's not wallpaper dependant, is it?
Jim, it works best with the theme's wall but there is an option to use your own. I'd suggest using a dark wall as some of the pop up screens aren't readable on a light background. I would have left the theme without a wall except I set DX to clear icons...which also clears the Windows wallpaper. You think I should not clear icons and upload the walls separately?