I'm not sure such big changes are being planned for the Forums (not that your suggestion doesn't have merits because it most certainly does) as an 'all at once' thing but as an 'as we go' thing.
Reply #77 (Zoomba) to Angus
Same Thread reply #80 (Zoomba) clarifies further:
"Now, does this mean no forum love is upcoming? Not necessarily. We have been rolling out fixes and updates to the forums continually over the last year that have added considerable functionality and speed improvements. When we have spare dev time, we take a crack at the forums again. My earlier point was just that this major rework is focused first and foremost on the main site (and personal pages) and not the forums. I apologize if it came across as anything else." (last paragraph only)
Actually, maybe if we had a separate Post (I haven't seen one) listing the problems we currently see and the changes we'd like to see and kept it short, sweet and on topic it would make things easier for the Admin people than sifting thru many posts all some good and less good ideas. Maybe just a list without cross commenting on others' ideas?