If you want to change multiple objects with 1 object/button just change the code to show:
Code: vbscript
- Function SetState()
- desktopx.object("objname1").state = CurrentState
- desktopx.object("objname2").state = CurrentState
- desktopx.object("objname3").state = CurrentState
- desktopx.object("objname4").state = CurrentState
- End Function
Where "objectname1,2,3,4" are the names of the other objects you want to change the state of.
EX: Face,MinHand,HourHand,Background etc.
If you NAME your objects "Object1" "Object2" "Object3" and so on, you could do the code like this:
Code: vbscript
- Function SetState()
- '-- 3 is the max number of objects you have
- for x = 1 to 3
- desktopx.object("objname" & x).state = CurrentState
- next
- End Function
Keep in mind that only 1 object needs the code, dont put all this code in every object.
The above tutorial is setup to use the above object as the button as well as the main code. Again, you could make 1 object a button (like i have in the above tutorial). Its always best to keep your code in one object.
Before you start messing with code, i would suggest looking over some BASIC Vbscript tutorials, and the first tutorials I created here as well. Scripting isnt hard, its about knowing what you want to do.
I hope this helps.
Keep in mind that the "State" name needs to be the same on ALL objects. If you used "1" "2" "3" then they all need to have "1" "2" "3". if one is missing a state or is named wrong the script will crash.