Any and every death is a tragedy. Fact. The death of children and adults alike.
When one engineers, plans and executes a series of events that cause others to intervene violently, and hides among civilians so that those intervening have no choice (without impossibly high losses) but to cause deaths it seems incredibly arrogant and hypocritical to claim that those putting a halt to the violence perpetrated on them with rocket attacks, suicide/homicide bombers are the agressors.
This is like the case of a man guilty of killing his parents and demanding mercy from the Court because he is an orphan.
They have vowed to destroy Israel and regard every inch of Israel as theirs.
Josef Gobbels did the same during WWII...the Big Lie....the bigger it is, the more will find it impossible to think it's a lie.
Well I'm fed up with it too.
All Israel wants for a cease-fire is:
1. Israel's right to live in peace be recognized by Hamas (as it was by the PLO government before it wrested power from Abu-Mazen).
2. That the bombings, rocket and mortar attacks cease. They have endured them for seven (7) years before this action was taken.
3. Israel is NOT out to kill every Hamasnik. Don't believe that.
What is unreasonable about this?
Would you tolerate the Hamas/Hizbullah crap that long? Would a U.S. President, or any leader?
But, when it comes to Jews there's a double standard. There always has been.
Well, surprise....I don't think this is going to end because the Palestinian media machine says it must. Thank G-d the Israelis are made of sterner stuff. Thank G-d they are making it possible for the moderates to take over when Hamas is smashed.
I will also say that I am a Dual citizen. I was a Line Officer in The Israel Defense Forces. I will always be proud of that. I never faced anyone but other soldiers in combat. No Israeli officer or soldier is allowed to perpetrate willing and knowing violence on an unarmed, non-hostile.
My heart is with my comrades and colleagues now in combat.
There will never be peace with those who deny one's right to live in peace.
Thank you for this post, John.
karma to you from me.