I put this up for November just a few days ago, so I thought it was fair game to post it here. 
Left - Winamp with ClearOne skin and CD Art Display for art and lyrics (modified Celluloid skin)
Middle - Wraith Master Skin (with transparent explorer backgrounds) and Wraith Icon Package and Object Dock Zoomer dock for applications with the truly exquite and massive British Library icon set.
Right - Object Dock tabbed dock for writing projects and a slew of Vista Sidebar gadgets. Among these are six of my custom modified MS Slideshow gadgets (larger, no background/frame) which all update every 1-5 minutes, drawing from my art library of over 400,000 pieces. All slideshow gadgets are set to 80% opacity so they highlight and become 100% opaque when mousing over them.
The backgrounds for all three monitors are animated.
The Left and Middle monitors are running the updated Photo Dream master dream, pulling selected images from my art library. These two monitors share the same primary display adapter, #1.
The Right monitor is playing a Milkdrop visualization from Winamp but it's set only to play on monitor 3 (which has it's own display adapter, #2).
The image has been sized down to fit within the 3000x3000 limit set by WC.