today I updated my WindowBlinds through Impulse. Impulse told be to reboot. After reboot, WindowBlinds is loaded but skinning isn't working anymore. I tried changing the skin which resulted in only changing the system colors and not applying the skinning itself.
Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 5.6
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 5.9
WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 6.3 (build 112 x86 - Vista Edition)
WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(SyncMaster 205BW/204BW, SyncMaster Magic CX203BW/CX205BW(Digital)) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
(SyncMaster 205BW/204BW, SyncMaster Magic CX203BW/CX205BW(Digital)) 2 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Wblind.dll 2008/11/03 20:07:20
Wbsrv.dll 2008/09/22 22:59:22
Wbconfig.exe 2008/11/18 21:02:54
Wbload.exe 2008/04/28 17:35:14
Wbhelp.dll 2008/04/28 17:35:07
Tray.dll 2008/04/28 17:35:21
Wbload.dll 09
Screen.exe 2008/07/22 16:10:09
I'm currently seeing the pure windows style (not even aero enabled) which looks like Windows 3.11
Thanks for any hint to fix this 
PS: Selecting the Vista Aero (first on the left) starts the normal Vista theme.