sydney, you know what mate? I only just uploaded it, and it's gone, no trace it ever existed, NOT in Moderation, NOT anywhere.. and once again, NOT an email.. why the hell do I bother.. benefits of subscription so far = NONE
I've tried my best here, and I can't win no matter what....
I have gone out of my way to befriend certain people, and they treat me like a non-person.. and I'm sick of it... this is not paranoia anymore, this is a fact.
Some folks take an instant dislike to you for no other reason than they are discriminitive, or they are jerks.. and I have done nothing to anybody here to anger them, I try to make people laugh.
Quite regularly, since day One of Wincustomize, there have been occasions when uploading fails. Generally it's a database/server issue, and whatever the reason it is soon rectified.
The first course of action if/when an upload disappears is to query/check there is no current bug/anomaly.
Second course is to contact a Moderator/Admin via email or PM to check if there is a specific 'issue' with the submission.
Third course if the first two don't pan out is to contact myself and/or Island Dog for suitable mediation/resolution.
[note that none of these steps includes 'presume prejudicial discrimination and contemplate tantrums']
As commented....yours truly has been 'mediating' a long time...and mostly gets it right-enough re issues of copyright...