Hello again
I would like to re-announce to the Community the latest on the tribute suite to BoXXi. We have now voted and with input from BoXXi and from the community it is decided that instead of building a suite from an existing BoXXi work ( fruitloops ) , we will now complete what would have been BoXXi's 100th submussion to WC.
The skin the commiunity has chosen will be One Hundered.
I have uploaded the source to https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=955&libid=18
I now ask the following for volunteers for the following:
Iconpackager/Dock icons
Dock Backgrounds
DesktopX gadgets (Weather/clock/calendar)
Media player skins (Xion/Winamp/WMP)
Application skins ( Rainlendar/Sysmetric )
I would like to take this opportunity to invite any and all skinners , coders , testers and anyone that can help out to contribute to help out . If you have code or graphics you would like to build your skin around , or to allow this project to use , it would be appreciated.
If someone on the IRC channel has a 24x7 connection , it would be appreciated if a channel #onehundred could be created so we can come in and chat about our ideas.
I would also like to ask that this thread be stickied / an article created for it.
I'll edit this post as we get more into the project.
It needs no reminding , but this is Our tribute to BoXXi.
So far we have
Sysmettrix/Rainlendar Xiandi
WB/Wall = kitty
DX stuff = Puter
Dock BGs = WebGizmo
Desktop Sidebar = mikeb1954
LogonXP/Rightclick = Pix3lSlay3r
Winamp Classic = me
Icons/Cursors = kitty/skinhit(???)