Greetings Impulse community!
I'm Todd, AKA: Poki Mo, a self confessed n00b. That's right, I admit that I have no comprehension of "Impulse" and what it is all about... Well, that is not entirely true as I did read an article in "GameInformer" magazine (Issue 182, June 2008, Page 26, Title: A Better Way to Play). I was intrigued, so here I am. Hang with me as I undertake this endeavor of discovering the world of "Impulse". Not to mention blogging.
Remember I'm a n00b.
What is it that I want to accomplish with this blog?
I'm glad you asked and let me explain. First, I want to customize my OS! I have purchased the Object Desktop Suite in hopes to do just that. The purchase and installation went without a hitch. Well at least the intial installation went well. When I opened "Impulse" and started exploring, I noticed that a few of the apps had updates or were not yet downloaded and installed. That is why I'm here, I want to document my experiences in hopes to help all the other n00bs. So, to all you other n00bs, here is your first lesson: Shut down any spyware, malware protection programs you are running. As they can intervere with the installation of upgrades and/or programs. If you do not do this, you will have to do it again. So stay tuned as I venture into customizing my OS and maybe, just maybe we can help each other out.
Second, I'm a gamer, an old gamer but none the less a gamer. When I read the afore mentioned article, I got all goosebumpy. I hope that what I have envision, is where "Impulse" is headed. I've been playing computer games for years, but let's face it, it has lacked something. That something is why I don't play PC games as much as I use to or I play alone against computer players. I bought an XBOX, and WOW! My gaming went to a new level. I spent hours upon hours playing, meeting new friends and having loads of fun. So what is it that console gaming has that the PC didn't. A common "Community". Think about it...
I'm a n00b and I need help!
Will you help me? As I wrote this article I noticed a couple of things. Where the heck is the spell check? Anyone? I do not command the english language either, so if there are errors in the grammar department, feel free to point them out if you must and I will correct them. Next, how the heck do you hyperlink? Anyone? On my editor they are grayed out and my guess is, that's to keep anyone from linking to something that ought not be linked to in this community. It's ashame that a few bad apples can ruin the whole barrel. Might make some of the future articles difficult. Oh and last but not least, what is the "Link" feature to the right of the editor? Anyone?
That's it for now, I'm sure as I continue to explore I will have more to discuss. I hope that you experienced people (n0n-n00bs) out there will take the time to help us n00bs broaden our horizons.