I'm glad to hear at least some things are going well for you.I have back trouble too and need painkillers every day,don't get much sleep,it's not fun.I'll look forward to your next suite,Arileen was superb.Take care.
my thoughts for ya i know how it's weird living with it. And thanks for Arileen

Hope your new girl likes cats!
Yes she likes them
How i can forgot my crasy cats hehe
Glad to see you doing better Q... theme is coming along nicely
thanks John
Zubaz still thinks Arileen sounds like a girl's name.
!Quote Homo

Zut we aren't on IRC
Nice hearing from you Q and hope your health improves. New suit looks great....
Thanks Butch
Good to hear from you Quentin, thats a good looking theme. I wish good health for you and hope your new woman is an inspiration in your life
Thanks a lot
Jafo likes grey ....
I know

Espérez que votre santé devient meilleure bientôt et des félicitations sur la nouvelle petite amie. Salut mon ami.
thanks hankers

It is good to hear you got some positive stuff going your way.
Yep i wish wind is finally turning in the right way
In spite of having setbacks, you've got a positive attitude!
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and better"
kitty luvs Q........
Me too (But don't tell her

Looks like your best work yet.
I try hehe

That blind looks good.
Yeah, if I help you anything just message me on msn, nice look indeed
Sure i will

thanks Bilbo
Thanks for the update Q....always in thoughts as to how you and your little girl are doing......
Thanks Sydney.